Are you considering having an abortion in Mississippi?
This webpage has been produced by a group of Pro-Choice Mississippians as a helpful service to all women who want or need (or have had) an abortion. It has been developed to answer any questions you might have about having an abortion in Mississippi…where to get one, what to expect, how much it will cost, where to get financial and/or counseling help, and other helpful information so you can have a safe, affordable, and positive abortion experience.
You are not alone!….900,000 women have abortions each year.
Because of the horrible Supreme Court decision, Mississippi has outlawed abortion and our only clinic has closed. You can still order abortion pills up to 12 weeks* (for as little as $130) through the mail. Here’s how:
How to Get Abortion Pills:
Reproduction Legal Helpline
Support from Doctors:
M+A Hotline or call 833-246-2632
* For surgical abortions after 12 weeks, please “Google Abortion Clinics Near Me” — but the closest surgical abortion location is in Southern Illinois.
Alamo Women’s Clinic – 800-821-7237
Click below for more information

Undecided? – Helpful information about abortions if you’re unsure about having one.
Making a decision to terminate your pregnancy can often be a difficult decision for many women. It is always an important decision. If you’re considering an abortion but are unsure if this is the right decision for you, we hope the following information about abortions will be helpful.
If you’re considering an abortion, you’re not alone. Millions of women have unplanned pregnancies every year and about 4 in 10 decide to have an abortion…about 900,000 each year in the U.S. Some of the statistics for abortion are:
- 30% of American women will have an abortion before 45.
- 59% of women having an abortion are mothers with one or more children.
- 62% of women having an abortion are religiously affiliated.
- 39% of women having an abortion are white; 28% are black; 25% are Hispanic.
- 88% of women having an abortion are 20 or older; 12% are teens.
- 40% of women facing an unplanned pregnancy decide to have an abortion.
Women have abortions for many different reasons. Each woman’s life situation is different and deciding to have a child (to raise or put up for adoption) or terminating your pregnancy will matter differently for each person. But here are the reasons other women have chosen an abortion:
- Not ready for a(nother) child; would negatively affect my/my family’s life, 25%
- Can’t afford a(nother) baby/child, 23%
- Am finished having children, 19%
- Don’t want to be a single mother, 8%
- Health issues with mother or fetus, 7%
- Too young to raise a child, 7%
- Would interfere with education or career plans, 4%
- All others, 7%
Follow-up studies indicate that the vast majority of women are glad they were able to have an abortion and not have to raise a child they weren’t ready for (or to put that child up for adoption to be raised by someone else).
It’s Your Decision. When making your decision, remember, only you know what’s best for you –- for your life situation, for your future, and for your current and future family. If you’re unsure what’s right, we suggest thoughtfully evaluating all options, praying (if you’re religious), and listening to and then trusting your heart to know what’s best for you. That quiet knowledge deep within you usually knows what’s best!
Take all the time you need to come to the right decision — but it’s helpful to know that the sooner a pregnancy can be terminated, the less likely there will be a need for any follow-up procedures, the cost will often be less, and you’ll have more options — as medical abortions (the abortion pill) can only be given in the first 8-10 weeks of pregnancy).
Things to consider. Again, only you know what’s best for you, and only you should decide what to do with your pregnancy. But here are some questions to help you with your decision.
- Am I ready to be a parent? Would I be able to give that child what it would need to have a good life?
- Could I put a child I give birth to up for adoption?
- How would having a child now affect my future?
- What would it mean for others in my family if I had a child now?
- Would having a(nother) child affect my career goals?
- What are my personal and religious beliefs about abortion?
- Is anyone pressuring me to have or not have an abortion?
- Would having a baby change my life in a way I do or don’t want?
- Would having an abortion change my life in a way I do or don’t want?
- What kind of support would I need and get if I decided to get an abortion?
- What kind of support would I need and get if I decided to have a baby?
- Can my body handle pregnancy and childbirth? Is it safe for my physical and mental health?
Getting support. You’ll probably want to talk through your decision with people you know who are on your side and who only want the best for you….who only want to help you sort through your thoughts and feelings to arrive at the best, right decision. They may be family, close friends, your doctor, and/or supportive clergy members.
If you don’t have anyone you feel comfortable discussing this with, here are two helpful places:
- A wonderful “All Options” pregnancy counseling organization where you can get unbiased, confidential, and caring help. Trained staff are available for you to share any concerns or questions you have and help guide you to the decision that’s best for you. The organization, All-Options, has a toll free talkline at 888-493-0092, Mon-Fri 9:00 am to midnight and Weekends 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
- The the clinic you want to go to — most have trained counselors there who want to help. If they don’t, they’ll refer you to others who can.
Getting religious support. If you’re religious and you’ve been exposed to the often harsh, anti-abortion beliefs held by some religions and their followers, please read our very helpful Religious Statement for a pro-choice religious understanding of abortion.
Beware fake abortion clinics. Lastly, avoid being tricked into going into a fake “Crisis Pregnancy Center.” These are all over Mississippi and are often located right near real abortion facilities, with misleading names like “Women’s Health and Reproductive Center.” Posing as real abortion clinics, they lure women in with free pregnancy tests and other gimmicks.
But they are actually run by religious, anti-abortion groups whose sole purpose is talking (or scaring!) you out of an abortion. They give false and misleading facts about abortion, along with a variety of psychological techniques and guilt-tripping designed to make you afraid or ashamed to have an abortion. Please read our Beware: Crisis Pregnancy Centers section.
We hope this has been helpful; we wish you the best in making your decision!

Sooner is Much Better – It’s safer and less expensive the sooner you decide.
If you’ve already made your decision to terminate your pregnancy, it is much better to have your abortion as soon as possible. If you are under 10 weeks**, you can have a medical (the abortion pill) abortion. If you’re past 10 weeks however, you’ll need a surgical abortion…they are cheaper and result in fewer possible complications the sooner in one’s pregnancy it is performed.
** in some clinics it’s 9 weeks.

What You Can Expect – What will happen from your first phone call onward…
What happens when you first contact an abortion provider will vary slightly by clinic. Most clinics are very supportive and will be as patient and helpful as possible, especially if this is new to you and/or if you’re young.
When you first call them, they’ll ask your name, date of birth, phone, and how far along in your pregnancy you think you are. They’ll ask whether you would like the medical (abortion pill) or surgical abortion. Most women choose the surgical abortion because it is quicker, lets you get back to work sooner, usually results in less pain and bleeding, and , doesn’t involve follow-up visits (the medical abortion requires a follow-up visit). Women who choose the pill usually do so because it doesn’t involve surgery and because it’s a “more private” procedure. Most clinics will clearly and carefully answer questions describing the differences so you can make the decision that is right for you. Please see one clinic’s summary of the two options.
Your initial phone call will likely also include telling them what insurance you have, and if you have any medical conditions you’re dealing with. They’ll advise you to read through their “what will happen” information on their website. If you’re traveling from ‘out-of-the-area,’ they’ll discuss options for overnight stays.
When you go to the clinic for your abortion, if possible, bring a friend/relative with you…many women feel much more comfortable having this support.
When you arrive for your appointment:
- You’ll need to fill out their paperwork (consent forms; medical history, etc.).
- Next you’ll be given an ultrasound to determine exactly how far along your pregnancy is.
- A 20-40 minute counseling session with an experienced, caring counselor will cover any questions or concerns you have as well as what your procedure will consist of.
- If you’ve decided to have a medical abortion (abortion pill), the doctor will explain how the pill works and give you instructions for the second pill you’ll take at home, 2 days later, as well as how to take care of yourself in the next few days. They’ll schedule a follow-up visit that will include an ultrasound to confirm all has gone smoothly. It’s very important you keep this second appointment to avoid any complications.
- If you’re having a surgical abortion, your doctor will offer you anti-anxiety medication, perform your abortion (usually only 10 – 25 minutes) and provide follow-up instructions. A 1-2 hour recuperation period in the recovery room is normal … but patients can then leave and usually do not need any follow-up visits.
For a much more complete understanding of abortion procedures (both the abortion pill and surgical abortions), visit the National Abortion Federation webpage at Most clinics also have an “Everything you need to know” description of their abortion procedures on their webpage.
Always feel free to ask any questions and request any support you want or need. Each clinic has a very dedicated and caring staff who strongly believe in reproductive rights and want to make you feel completely comfortable and supported as you go through this process. You can be assured of complete confidentiality and privacy in all matters.

Under 18? – Getting through the all the State requirements.
Mississippi unfortunately does not make it easy for girls under 18 to get an abortion. Mississippi law requires consent by both parents or if that’s not possible or wise, getting what’s called a judicial bypass.
What this means is a girl who finds herself pregnant and wants an abortion must get both her parents’ signed permissions. Call the clinic you want to go to get that form sent to you. You only need one parent’s approval (your “custodial parent”) if your parents are divorced; if they’re married and one parent is “unavailable,” you only need the other parent’s permission.
If you are afraid of telling your parent(s) – or you think they’ll refuse — you can still get an abortion through something called a judicial bypass – where a judge determines that you can and should have an abortion, so you won’t need to tell your parents. This is a bit tricky and you might want a trusted adult (like a school counselor or other person who fully supports you and your right to make that decision) to help you through this.
The best way to find out how to do this is to get instructions and help from the clinic that will give you your abortion. In Mississippi, call the Jackson Women’s Health Organization at 601-366-2661. If you live closer to an out-of-state clinic, call them…See our list of providers. You’ll need to follow that state’s requirements…sometimes easier than Mississippi’s.
The clinic will tell you the steps you’ll need to go through to get your abortion:
- The forms you’ll need (ask them to mail you them)
- The best way to find the right judge for the county you live in.
- That you’ll have to state that the male was no more than two years older than you if you’re under 16; and no more than three years older if you’re 16 or 17.
Other helpful information:
- You can ask the court for a court-appointed (free) lawyer.
- In your application, you’ll need to say why you want the abortion and why you don’t want to tell your parents. One question asks you to show that you’re mature enough to make this decision on your own. Another asks you to state that you know you could have the child and either raise it yourself or put it up for adoption, but that you prefer having an abortion.
- Once you submit your forms, the judge has to respond in three days. If he doesn’t, you’re allowed to have your abortion anyway
- If that judge says no, you can “appeal” that decision to another judge.
- You’ll want to move as quickly as you can, because early-term abortions have a lower risk of complications and, often, a lower cost.
- Only contact the providers we’ve listed on this website. There are a lot of phony “abortion centers” run by anti-abortion groups who will try to trick you into coming in and then talking you out of your abortion.
Again – getting a good helpful grownup to help you – and to be with you – will be something you’ll want to do.
It’s unfortunate that Mississippi makes you go through all these steps…because they don’t trust you to make this decision on your own. But doing this will be very rewarding for you – you’ll learn many things about yourself and how the world works. You’ll become a much stronger, wiser, and more competent and confident person as a result. Congratulations!

Paying for an Abortion – The costs and ways you can pay.
The abortion pill (also called the medical abortion) can cost between $450 and $800, while surgical abortions will cost between $450 and $2,500 (this rises the later in pregnancy the abortion occurs).
If you need to travel for your abortion, be sure to include transportation and possible motel costs, as well as childcare and days off from work (if any of these apply to you).
If you have health insurance, check with your provider to see if they will cover some or all of the costs, although in Mississippi most insurance plans unfortunately won’t cover an abortion

Financial Assistance – How and where to get help paying for an abortion.
Private Insurance: Unfortunately most insurance plans won’t cover abortions in Mississippi. But contact your insurance company as soon as possible anyway and ask what they’ll cover.
Abortion-Assistance Fund Help: There are two organizations that can help you pay for your abortion. Contact them immediately to see if they can help.
1) The National Abortion Federation offers financial aid for women. They are the only national abortion-funding organization….and can help women at both Mississippi and out-of-state clinics. Call them at 800-772-9100 (Mon-Fri between 6:00 am and 10:00 pm; weekends between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm). Because of high-call-demand, you may have be on hold for a while….be patient. The phonecall will take about 15-60 minutes.
See for further information.
2) The Mississippi Freedom Fund is another organization possibly able to help. Call 769-218-9413.
See for further information.

How Safe Is an Abortion? – Very safe…
Abortion is one of the safest medical procedures performed in America. In fact abortions have much fewer complications and side effects than giving birth.
Medical abortions (the abortion pill) have virtually no risk of complications or side effects. Although any surgical procedure comes with some risk, abortion is actually one of the safest surgical procedures; only 0.05% of women ever experience any complication. And, remember, the earlier in pregnancy an abortion happens, the lower the chances of any complication occurring. Each woman and each pregnancy is of course different. Your provider will be able to discuss any risk factors and possible complications with you at your first appointment.
Please know that although many anti-choice groups falsely claim negative side effects from having an abortion, this is not so. Having an abortion does not increase the likelihood of breast cancer, future infertility, depression, or any other negative reaction they try to scare women with.

Religious or Spiritual Concerns? – Helpful ideas to offset negative religious beliefs about abortion.
If you have spiritual concerns about having an abortion, you are not alone.
Many women, especially those raised in or exposed to conservative religions, may feel there is something spiritually “wrong” with ending a pregnancy, even though they believe this is the right, best, correct decision for them (and their current and/or future family).
If you have any spiritual/religious questions or concerns, you might benefit from a confidential conversation with a clergy member from a more mainstream or liberal religion. These pastors and religions support a woman’s right to choose; they believe that God loves you and wants you (and your family) to have the best life possible, that God gives everyone free will, and that if you have prayerfully decided terminating your pregnancy is best, He will fully support you in your decision.
Please see our Religious Statement for additional thoughts on going forward with an abortion and feeling completely religiously comfortable and spiritually blessed with your decision. It includes suggestions for finding local pastors you can talk with – as well as a national abortion-counseling hotline – both of which can give you free, confidential support and answers to any religious questions you have to help you in your abortion decision-making.

Rape – Support Organizations…and Getting an abortion paid for.
Rape is one of the worst and most difficult experiences a woman can have. Becoming pregnant as a result only worsens this horrible trauma. Our deepest concerns and sympathies go to any woman in this situation.
For the important emotional support most victims need, please call the Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Assault support people at 888-987-9011. Another helpful resource is the 24 Hour Rape Crisis Hot-Line at 800-656-4673.
Pregnancy (after a rape – or any sex) can be prevented up to 72 hours after by taking the “Plan B” pill. It is available OTC (over the counter). You do not need a prescription — it’s available at most pharmacies for about $40.
If you became pregnant as a result of a rape (and you are past the 72 hours when “Plan B” works), you may be able to have your abortion costs covered. A Mississippi “Victim’s Restitution Fund” will help reimburse you for your abortion expense, provided you you’re able to document your rape with a police report or other evidence. They will help you pay for your abortion at both the Mississippi abortion clinic and at an out-of-state clinic if you live nearer one of those.
Call the Mississippi Attorney General’s office at 601-359-3680 to get this money. They will be glad to guide you through the process – so it’s as hassle-free as possible.
And, please, when contacting your abortion provider, let them also know that you’re a rape victim….every clinic will give you that extra support and attention you deserve.

Beware: Crisis Pregnancy Centers & Clinic Protesters – They’ll try to talk you out of an abortion.
Crisis Pregnancy Centers are fake abortion “clinics” found in over a dozen Mississippi cities. These “Crisis Pregnancy Centers” (or CPCs) try to look like real abortion clinics, but aren’t. They are actually run by religious, anti-choice groups whose sole purpose of talking you out of having your abortion. They are known to give false and misleading abortion information with little scientific basis.
They are often located near abortion clinics and have deceptive names like “Women’s Care Clinic” or “Pregnancy Resource Center.” They offer “Free Pregnancy Testing” as a lure and, once you’re inside, push anti-abortion information while women wait for their “longer-than-needed” test results. They use guilt, shaming, prayers-for-you, and many other tricks to convince you not to have an abortion. We’ve even heard reports some actually prevent women from leaving, not letting them go until they’ve finished praying for them!
Don’t even go in for their “free pregnancy test!”
For more information, visit
Clinic Protesters line the streets by abortion clinics and try to prevent clients from entering. They’ll try to get you to stop your car (with vests that makes them look like clinic escorts), and tell you to go to their nearby pregnancy crisis center (with offers of “free pregnancy tests” or something else). Some may even try to block your car.
If you’re walking from your car, they’ll plead with you and insult you with words like “baby-killer.” They’ll tell you God (or Jesus) is against abortion (see our Religious Statement — link) and try to ‘pray’ for you. All of this can be very upsetting…to anyone! So instead, to make your arrival as hassle-free as possible:
1) Don’t stop your car. Don’t roll down your window.
2) Look for – and only talk with — the clinic’s official escorts. Each clinic will tell you how to identify them. In Jackson, MS, they’ll all wear rainbow-colored vests.
3) If you’re coming with a friend, have them drop you off at the clinic while they park the car (so you can go in directly). If you’re coming alone, when walking (from a street parking place), don’t talk with any protesters or engage with them. Just keep walking. Most clinics will try to help you with an official clinic escort who’ll meet you at your car.
4) Always remember, you’re doing what you know is best! – for you, for your future, for your family and your future family. Try to not let these people get under your skin.
Fortunately, only a few are overly aggressive and will really insult and bother you. If so, please tell one of the clinic’s official escorts, so they can notify the police.

After your abortion – Staying positive…
Like most women, you may experience a wide range of emotions before and during – but also after your abortion: happiness, sadness, worry, relief, guilt, freedom…sometimes several at once. There is no “right” way to feel – everyone is different. Always remember — whatever you feel is totally right for you and your situation…and that it’s natural for those feelings to shift and change over time.
Although most women are grateful for – and feel positive about – their abortions, it’s not uncommon for some women to find themselves wondering afterwards (sometimes years later even) — “Did I make the right decision?” Some women may even come to regret having an abortion, which is both unfortunate and unhelpful.
Why does this happen? Post-abortion “second thoughts” might be triggered by simple things like: just seeing babies or children…or reaching the calendar day when your fetus would have been born….or maybe just hearing those unhelpful “killing your baby” messages some anti-abortion activists proclaim. Many different things.
What can you do if you find your mind starting to question or doubt your abortion decision?
First of all, realize that second-guessing your decision is always very normal. It’s very rare that we ever feel 100% sure of our decisions (especially important decisions)…there’s always some part of our minds that thinks the opposite. So afterwards, it’s normal to wonder about our decisions and play the “What if…” or “But what about….” game. Did I buy the right car, did I take the right job, should I have moved, should I have said that…etc.
So…if any doubts about your abortion should ever come to you, always remember: your decision to have an abortion came from the wisest and most caring part of you – decided only after you’d very thoughtfully looked at your life, your world, and your future. And after thinking through all the options and how life would probably turn out, for both you and a possible future child, you thoughtfully decided that ending that pregnancy was the necessary, best, right thing to do. Don’t ever let the important reasons you decided on an abortion get forgotten!
So, by all means, trust that decision – and always love yourself. Because it came from that deepest, wisest, and most caring part of yourself – the part that wanted the best life possible for both you and any child you’d bring into the world!
Some women have been helped by also thinking of the many positives they gained by not having that child – the greater freedom they have, and the extra time and money* they have for other things.
* [ It costs $233,000, on average, to raise a child up to high school graduation.]
Here are some other helpful ideas you can do for yourself, if you ever find yourself questioning your abortion decision:
Talk: Find someone you can openly discuss all your feelings with (include the uncomfortable ones) and ask them to listen to you. Make sure it’s someone who loves and supports you; tell them all you’d like them to do is listen.
Write: Putting your thoughts and feelings into black-and-white (start a journal maybe) is very helpful and powerful. Be sure to make a list of all the reasons you’re glad you had your abortion.
Nurture Yourself: Exercise; spend time in nature; listen to music that makes you feel good; spend time in places that give you peace and pleasure; start simple, easy-to-succeed projects you enjoy; get away from things – be alone; do some art or other creative project; get extra rest; start a garden/buy a house plant; give yourself special treats you love; make sure you do lots of things that are fun!
Connect with Others: Visit to see other women’s experiences and their gratitude for being able to have an abortion. If you know of other women who’ve had an abortion, connect with them to support each other.
Help others: Volunteer with an organization you support; “be there” for others in a more deliberate, meaningful way; adopt a pet.
No matter what you do – be sure to do something!…taking positive action to support yourself and your abortion decision will always make things much better! Never let negative feelings linger around….

Helpful Facts about Abortion – Information covering women who have abortions and why they do.
- 30% of American women will have an abortion before 45.
- 59% of women having an abortion are mothers with one or more children.
- 925,000 abortions were performed in the U.S. in 2014. 11,000 abortions were performed in Nevada.
- 62% of women having an abortion are religiously affiliated.
- 39% of women having an abortion are white; 28% are black; 25% are Hispanic.
- 88% of women having an abortion are 20 or older; 12% are teens.
- Abortion is one of the safest surgical procedures; only 0.05% of women ever experience any complication.
Reasons women have abortions: Not ready for a(nother) child, 25%; Can’t afford a baby, 23%; Am finished having children, 19%; Don’t want to be a single mother, 8%; Health issues with mother or fetus, 7%; Too young to raise a child, 7%; Would interfere with education or career plans, 4%; All other, 7%.
Source: Guttmacher Institute
Questions? Feedback? Updates? Please contact if you have suggestions or additional information that would be helpful to include on this webpage.
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